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DTB - Akim (Music Visualizer)
I created a music visualizer of the song "DTB" by Akim featured in Carbon Fiber's new album titled "Transition" using Adobe After Effects.

Blessed Mode - Menor Menor (Music Visualizer) Official Cover
I created a music visualizer of the song "Blessed Mode" by Menor Menor featured in Carbon Fiber's new album titled "Transition" using Adobe After Effects.

Blessed Mode - Menor Menor (Music Visualizer) Old Cover
I created a music visualizer of the song "Blessed Mode" by Menor Menor featured in Carbon Fiber's new album titled "Transition" using Adobe After Effects.

Amor Incondicional - David Muguercia (Music Visualizer)
I created a music visualizer for David Mugercia's single "Amor Icondicional" using Adobe After Effects and Photoshop.

Someone - Tati, Aylin and Jimmy Levy (Music Visualizer)
I created a music visualizer for Carbon Fiber's Single "Someone" by Tati, Aylin, Jimmy Levy using Adobe After Effects.

The Perfect Night Out Clubbing in Gainesville
A step by step guide on how to have the perfect night out clubbing in Gainesville

Caffeinated Time Travel
After making a trade for some coffee in exchange for his planet, Jon experiences the side effects that comes from drinking intergalactic coffee: Time travel, Alternate Jons, and a ripoff, avengers endgame battle sequence.

Frap and Jon: A Space Adventure - A Café Cultura Commercial
The 80's brought you E.T, The 90's brought the Iron Giant, The 00's brought you transformers...with Shia Labeouf...Optimus had robot lips...Wheelie was a character... Let's just skip passed that. And now the 10's bring you Frap and Jon. A tale in which a boy must make a decision to stick with his coffee or stay an alien on his home planet.

Mighty Math: The Unsolvable Equation
An evil scientist named Doctor Science has created a device to control people's minds. The only way to stop this device is by typing in the unsolvable equation and solving it. Earth's only hope is a hero with Math skills, quirky quips and inner monologue narrations. Mighty Math. God help us all.

Mighty Math: Back To School Commercial
Thanks to the viewership, fan base, and popularity; The Educational, Neighborhood, Hero is going back to school. He's going to face new challenges that don't involve an evil scientist trying to take over his city. He's going to go up against passing his classes, going on dates, and figuring out who he truly is. This will be his hardest chal- oh who are we kidding this is just a commercial to advertise the first one. There's no plans for a sequel.

Revenge of the Jedi: A Star Wars, Machinima Parody
Bummer! Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker has turned towards the dark side. He celebrates his new found powers at Del Perro Pier.
In a stunning turn of events, Jedi Master, Obi-Wan ambushes his padawan and puts an end to the fun before it could begin.
A desperate chase ensues all over Los Santos to put an end to Anakin’s bad vibes, felt throughout the galaxy.
In a stunning turn of events, Jedi Master, Obi-Wan ambushes his padawan and puts an end to the fun before it could begin.
A desperate chase ensues all over Los Santos to put an end to Anakin’s bad vibes, felt throughout the galaxy.

Gator Humans vs Zombies: Ghostbusters Commercial
The team over at Gator Humans vs Zombies are recruiting a team to help take out the ghosts haunting the University of Florida.

Jon Goes Super Saiyan
After binging all of Dragon Ball, Jon trains to become a super saiyan. Will he achieve it?

Mighty Math: The Unsolvable Equation (End Title Sequence)
The End Title Sequence to my film Mighty Math: The Unsolvable Equation

Tweets and Chirps End Title Sequence
The End Title Sequence to my film Tweets and Chirps
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